Archive for June, 2009

We’ve done it again

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 | Friends, Humanism

Thursday saw HAG head out with some new volunteers in the form of Sophie and Jon. Turns out, we’ve solved the problem again though.

What we need to work on now is exporting HAG to various other cities around the UK, after all as it stands we have a higher success rate than Narconon ;).

Sarah’s leaving party

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009 | Friends, Life

I headed over to Nicola’s for what was loosely to be described as Sarah’s leaving party. I say loosely because I don’t really know Sarah and I only just saw her at the party – she arrived just as I was heading out the door.

Never the less it was an interesting evening. Basically Nicola just spend the whole time getting berrated for not knowing anything about her degree subject. Good times 😉 .

End of Year Ball ’09

Thursday, June 4th, 2009 | Events, Humanism

Tuesday saw the End of Year Ball which this year saw several of the freethinking societies in and around Leeds unite. While it was mostly an A-Soc affair we got people from Skeptics, York Brights, the Humanist Society of West Yorkshire and HAG there, even if this is mostly the same crowd lol.

We kicked things off at Spice Quarter where I managed to get through a reasonably respectable five plates though I believe I was significantly trailing Zoltan who was on a mission to eat everything they owned.

The made in front of you stir fry had to be the winning dish as you literally can just pile everything on your plate and get them to stir fry it. Interesting, despite what sause I asked for it all seemed to come out of the same pot but it actually tasted like what I asked for so I’m not going to complain.

Afterwards we headed to Bourbon for their Mix Tape Project night which was really good if people did start disappearing – the last people to leave the place where myself and Paul! That’ll show those kids who can really party… :D.

In the end we had 34 people turn up which I think is quite respectable.

Spice Quarter Liz and Chris Bourbon

Deer Park

Thursday, June 4th, 2009 | Life

Having had to cut down on the time I’ve spent at the Deer Park recently it was a welcome return to make it there twice in two days, once on Sunday for Sunday lunch and again on Monday night.

After all, you have such a good excuse to go home via the Chinese once you have spent an evening there 😀 .


Thursday, June 4th, 2009 | Life, Thoughts

As part of an effort to actually make it to the park more now that the weather has improved, I actually made it down on Sunday and went for a short walk around the lake.

Problem is with it being so hot and a weekend lots of other people had done the same thing – just another reason why we need border control checkpoints to assess people’s income before letting them in to Roundhay 😉 .