Archive for April, 2009

Tropical World

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 | Life

With me having some free time on Tuesday afternoon, I headed down to Tropical World, accompanied by Norm and Lil, finally having moved to Roundhay over nine months ago now.

It’s an amazing resource really – a tropical jungle in the middle of Leeds; it’s quite random. I’m not sure how many other cities have them but I don’t think it’s many.

It was well worth the visit, if only to be warm for a little while lol, and I got plenty of pictures too so you can’t go wrong.

Waterfall Looking thoughtful Chris, Lil and Norm

Fish Lizard Meerkat

Counting down to Rationalist Week 2009

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 | Events, Humanism

It’s hard to believe that it’s only 17 days until Rationalist Week 2009! I don’t really think it has fully sunk in yet just how soon it is, especially given the planning started over 6 months ago now.

This year’s events timetable is more packed than ever and the event is going to be unprecendeted not only with using previous weeks as benchmarks but measured against every other awareness week on campus too!

You can find a second by second countdown as well as a full events timetable on the Rationalist Week information page on the A-Soc website.

Rationalist Week 2008 Rationalist Week 2008 Rationalist Week 2008

G20 protests

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009 | Religion & Politics, Thoughts

Yesterday saw a total of 87 arrests by police in London related to the protests surrounding the G20 summit currently going on.

Of course, none of us are suprised. It would have been far more of a shock if the events had have passed peacefully. Indeed it was perhaps a suprise that so few people were arrested given the protestors broke in to a brand of the Royal Bank of Scotland and continued to ransack the building. Because that is what the banking system could really do with right now.

It seems somewhat ironic that a group generally consisting of socials and tree huggers who would traditionally have been considered pro-peace (or at least that is what they would claim) have become the blight on society that they have replacing football hooligans as the unwanted trouble making element of our society.