Archive for March, 2008

Hit the DEC

Thursday, March 6th, 2008 | Life

Michelle has just gone home meaning that I am the last remaining person in DEC-10.

I don’t see the point in going home really, I have to be back on campus for like 8:45 so I figured I would feel worse if I went to sleep. Still I have a really full today – I’m booked up almost solidly until 9pm which should be lots of fun. Still, only 40 minutes until I can have my last Red Bull (I’m rationing until the shops open again :D).


Wednesday, March 5th, 2008 | Events, Life

If you missed the house party on Friday you missed an interesting affair. Notable events included Fonze drinking himself unconscious and waking up in hospital, Liz taking off her jeans while in my darkened bedroom, Izzy feeling up Norm, lots and lots of Chinese food and endless discussions about pornography. So yeah, your standard Circle event really.

This ain’t no disco

Wednesday, March 5th, 2008 | Life

I haven’t posted for a week. A week! That’s a long time for me. Though I have noticed that I have been blogging less lately. Some would say it’s because of how busy we are all are a the moment but then I’m always busy and it has never stopped me before. Others would argue my life is just a little less exciting a the moment. Myself, I remain unsure.

Perhaps it is the inevitable doom of FYP. The fact that we also have plenty of coursework deadlines on top of that (I have another 5 before the end of semester 2) not only doesn’t really help the situation but also explains why I’m in the lab at 4am. And glad to be here. The hardcore nights are back :D. It’s good we get one more run in before we graduates.

Because quite frankly, this could be the last time. I mean what is there after this? Once I get these courseworks out of the way and given our software demos are next week (mine is on Monday so I won’t be pulling all nighters for it next week) there is really just report writing to be done which I doubt many people (though I would like to think a few of us will) will be writing up in labs. And in any case, doing write up isn’t the communal experience you gain from late night coding sessions.

We really need one more for old time’s sake. And get some chair races in too.

Kieran correctly pointed out earlier today (well, technically yesterday now) that things are getting a little too close to graduation. Today was our last staff student forum meeting (at which it was agreed to go ahead with my proposal to re-name of the school to the Chris Worfolk Institute of Computing Excellence but only if I was dead). There are a lot of things coming up that will be the last of something. It’s actually getting scary.

On the plus side the provisional exam timetables are now out and I don’t have an exam at 9am the night after I go to Manchester for a gig. Which is quite a nice bonus. It’s also quite a nice bonus that I seem to finish before everyone else which makes a big chance – indeed last summer I had an exam on the Friday of week 3 – the very last day of exams.

So yeah, that is my late night rambling on what’s been happening recently. I’m sure I’ll think of more as soon as I hit publish. Luckily, you shall be saved that fate ;).