MP3 player suggestions
Thursday, July 12th, 2007 | Tech
I really miss having a portable music device since my 3rd one broke. So it’s time I got myself a new one. At the moment I have one of these.
The iRiver iFP-795. It’s a flash based one with 512mb memory, light as hell, about the size of an AA battery in length, and I love it because the battery lasts for about a month without me needing to replace it.
I’m toying with going hard drive based though. I’ve laid out the case for why flash memory based players are superior which I still fully stand behind it. But I won’t discount the hassle of having a limited amount of storage – not that this is solved by getting a hard drive based player, I still can’t sync my entire collection which is very annoying (unless I get a really, really big MP3 player) but it would reduce the problem at least.
I’ve not really done much product research into MP3 players recently though. So with that in mind, if anyone has, yell out you’re suggestions now. My specification is fairly open, hard drive or flash will be considered, battery life is important, I have quite a decent budget, my only one must have requirement is that it must be UMS – I’m not using any software and it needs to work on Windows and Linux so I need it UMS. It also needs to be able to take a bit of a beating as I put my electronics through their paces. Finally if anyone has suggestions as to how I can huck them up to my car stereo (the radio transmitters look quite a good option) those are also welcome too.
I really miss having a portable music device since my 3rd one broke. So it’s time I got myself a new one. At the moment I have one of these.
The iRiver iFP-795. It’s a flash based one with 512mb memory, light as hell, about the size of an AA battery in length, and I love it because the battery lasts for about a month without me needing to replace it.
I’m toying with going hard drive based though. I’ve laid out the case for why flash memory based players are superior which I still fully stand behind it. But I won’t discount the hassle of having a limited amount of storage – not that this is solved by getting a hard drive based player, I still can’t sync my entire collection which is very annoying (unless I get a really, really big MP3 player) but it would reduce the problem at least.
I’ve not really done much product research into MP3 players recently though. So with that in mind, if anyone has, yell out you’re suggestions now. My specification is fairly open, hard drive or flash will be considered, battery life is important, I have quite a decent budget, my only one must have requirement is that it must be UMS – I’m not using any software and it needs to work on Windows and Linux so I need it UMS. It also needs to be able to take a bit of a beating as I put my electronics through their paces. Finally if anyone has suggestions as to how I can huck them up to my car stereo (the radio transmitters look quite a good option) those are also welcome too.