Archive for March, 2006

File size showing up as 0?

Saturday, March 11th, 2006 | Life

I can almost sleep! Just a few other video news update dealies to sort out and I can sleep. Hurrah!

Anyway so yes, if you’re doing file uploads in PHP and you’re file shows up as size 0 even though it clearly has a real size, it might be if the file is bigger than the maximum file size allowed for uploads. The default is 2mb.

The rumours are true

Saturday, March 11th, 2006 | Life

Ok consider this the start of a rumour that some new video news updates are in production…

Yes, the rumours are true! Some new video news updates are in production. Right now actually. Although I’ve just run out of tape space so I’m having to find a new tape. Well, I think I’ve found one so yet again I’m writing in the past tense of a step but I decided to blog while it rewinds.

I am supposed to be in uni for 10 tomorrow and at this rate I’m looking at getting to bed at 2 am so it’s going to be a bit of sleep deprivation I think. Indeed I will probably stay up and update my websites too so 6 hours of sleep is probably a best. That’s not that bad though I guess.

Then after that I’m Otley Running it so I have a pretty packed schedule tomorrow. Well two things. But two long things. Plus I have to get some MarioKart time in too :D.

Debating with Christians

Saturday, March 11th, 2006 | Life

It’s like banging your head against a brick wall. They take a stance against everything. I have some of what would be considered to be the wierdest views held within society and yet I seem to be arguing the more commonly held views.

Anyway, this is a bit random but cool…

Facebook fan club

There is a group on Facebook named the “Chris Worfolk Fan Club.” That’s pretty awesome although it will make it more difficult to prevent my ego from becoming over-inflated ;).

Google gets owned

Friday, March 10th, 2006 | Life

Well, sort of. I spent quite a while looking for an answer on Google which I couldn’t find. So I have Yahoo a go and the top result was far more relevant than anything Google had managed to produce.

Not that it answered my question, I’ve killed Linux and now I’m screwed. I really can’t be bothered with it though. Windows may be hidiously unstable but at least people know how to use it. It seems to be just Maths Chris that can get his head around Fedora.

I’m working on the Python project but we’re not getting anyway and are obviously not going to get it done in time. Ah well, I think I’m just going to go home and pretend everything is ok. It will work out somehow. I blame CherryPy, it doesn’t seem to do what it pretends to do at all, it just seems to run but when you try and access your result, even with the sample code, it clearly isn’t running.

I hate Python so much right now

Thursday, March 9th, 2006 | Life

Python sucks. At least for the next 20 minutes.

So, my campaign is official

Wednesday, March 8th, 2006 | Life

Yep, I’ve just sent an email to the society webmail dealie offical-ising my bid to become secretary of the film making society. Now all I need is a load of posters with my face on saying “VOTE CHRIS!” and no other information given :D.

FHM’s 100 sexiest women voting

Wednesday, March 8th, 2006 | Life

I’ve just entered my vote for the sexiest women in the world FHM poll dealie. My votes went to…

  1. Lara Croft
  2. Sarah Michelle Gellar
  3. Avril Lavigne
  4. Rachel Stevens
  5. Holly Valance
  6. Adriana Lima
  7. Kerry Katona
  8. Hilary Duff
  9. Kim Smith
  10. Kelly Clarkson

The science of mosher-dress

Wednesday, March 8th, 2006 | Life

I’ve always wondered how some moshers managed to keep their trousers up even though they are half way down their ass. But mine are now down past the fasted part of my ass and therefore logically if they can slide down past that they should slide all the way down.

But they don’t. They just stop. I don’t get it. Are moshers immune to gravity or something?

Space golf

Tuesday, March 7th, 2006 | Life

A Canadian golf company is sponsoring the Russian’s to hit a golf ball off the International Space Station so that it can break records for the longest drive ever (as it’s expected to travel for 4 years :D). I was reading about it on Discovery Channel.

I don’t have any bread

Tuesday, March 7th, 2006 | Life

Damn, I thought I had a baguette left but on closer inspection I see that I only have a bag where it used to be. Must have used it on Sunday’s dinner. Just done up some microchips but I could have really used bread, sause, something to accompany them.

Started off the evening bowling with the rest of Grant House plus Fonze and Chris (Maths Chris). Chris is good, Fonze is almost as bad as me. Still it was fun none the less. Although I did tear a nail. Which then started bleeding. That wasn’t too great.

Me and Fonze then moved on to Bondi with the rest of Grant (or at least most) and Sarann and Michelle met us there later. Michelle got pretty much drunk, it must have been Sarann’s bad influence again. Got home about 3:45 and got in a good hour of MarioKart which was always a plus. It ended up just me and Rob who was determined to play until he beat me. After 10 races he gave up :D. It makes no sense, I’m not any better than he is.

And now I’m finishing off the evening with microchips and the traditional post clubbing blog. I always feel the need to blog when I get back but then again, I just always feel the need to blog full stop. Maybe I should blog about that.