Archive for January, 2006

Somone’s been smoking weed

Saturday, January 14th, 2006 | Life

Just got back from Star, it’s been the first time I’ve been out (well third, went to Bod Bar twice and I guess I’ve only been here 6 nights one of which was a Sunday byst still) since getting back to Bod due to exams and everything. Of which mine start on Monday.

Anyway, we arrived back on the top corridor to find it stinking of weed. I mean, I know it generates quite a smell but it takes more than a few joints so generate that kind of smell, they must have been smoking all night.

More WordPress themes

Friday, January 13th, 2006 | Life

I raided Alex King’s sites for more themes I like, found these…

Although I’m not sure if these are as cool as the others, especially the first few, I could actually see myself using them.

What old people do for fun

Friday, January 13th, 2006 | Life

This video is just class :D.

Google Video marketplace is BS

Friday, January 13th, 2006 | Life

Google have unveiled their marketplace for Google Video in which you can buy TV show episodes including CSI, Star Trek Voyager and a load of other shows. But guess what – access it from the UK, or presumably anywhere outside the US, maybe Canada and it says this content is not available to you. It’s complete BS.

Feed Burner

Friday, January 13th, 2006 | Life

I’m running a trial with Feed Burner at the moment. Not as in a free-trial dealie, just as in an experiment to see what happens. I’ve added the RSS feed from Angelina Jolie Planet to it just to see what happens.

What the site does, or at least one of the things it does is turn it into a more readable page and provides subscription buttons for services like My Yahoo, Newsgator, Pluck, etc. You can find the page it created for AJP here.

WorldBE stats

Friday, January 13th, 2006 | Life

6 of the top 10 performing banners on WorldBE belong to yours truely :p. I’m sure it’s just because I am running more banners than everyone else (I have 58 active banners) but still…

1. Maze Radio (mine)
2. Koozi
3. Flash Dev (mine)
4. The Gurkin (mine)
5. Carmen Electra Planet (mine)
6. Post Forge (mine)
7. I think it’s one of Huumors banners
8. If I’m correct this one is also
9. M World Hosting (mine)
10. InterSabre hosting

WordPress themes and Ping-o-Matic

Friday, January 13th, 2006 | Life

Ping-o-Matic was offline when I tried it earlier and now it just has a WordPress error message like it’s half in development (if it is then Matt it like myself, screw this test server thing, just shove it on a live environment and hope it works. It’s how I upgrade all my sites :p). When you’re close to hitting 100 automatic pings a second though it’s easy to work out why it needs a little tweaking.

I’ve also been picking out some possible WordPress themes in case I start some new blogs. The best ones I’ve found are…

The £170 computer

Thursday, January 12th, 2006 | Life

As Worfolk Online expands, a server to test things on, especially on PHP 5 and MySQL 4.1, etc would be really handy so I started pricing up what it would take to get a basic system. This is what I came up with…

Total price, approximately £170. It doesn’t include delivery and it’s from eBuyer (but at least none of the equipment is made by eBuyer so it’s not too bad) but still I think that’s pretty good. Huck it up to my mouse, keyboard and monitor at first, stick Fedora on it then just attach it to the network and I can remote access using VNC from my desktop whenever I need to admit it.

It would also help me in admining a Linux server as I really need to learn more about it. When I move off my VPS and onto a fully dedicated and I will need to do quite a bit probably as even if I do go for a managed server (and I probably will) I will probably be restricted to only having so much time per month where they will do admin stuff for me.

Maze Radio forums gone

Thursday, January 12th, 2006 | Life

Maze Radio‘s forums have been locked for a good long while anyway as they were replaced by Maze Forums but they were still online so people could read old posts. They’ve now gone as well though.

I think that’s it for my current killing spree though, everything else can stay unless I go totally crazy.

One phpBB install taken care of

Thursday, January 12th, 2006 | Life

Well, I’m off to a start. Although it wasn’t an upgrade, I’ve just taken the Nerd Base forums offline completely. Nobody really used them (the odd post here and there) so for one of the first times ever I’ve taken something offline without replacing it or anything. phpBB is a rare circumstance though as if I leave it online it becomes a security risk otherwise, I would just leave it up there.

I’ve been toying with the idea of taking a few of them down for a while now (that or merging them into’s multi-host dealie) and a few other forums might be for the chopping block also as there is no point me spending time upgrading them if they aren’t going to be used.