Archive for March, 2005

Hex Series finally launches

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2005 | Life

About time I should say. My Hex fan site has been in production for like months now. It started off as an ICT project. And indeed ended as it too. Basically it is for my coursework. Although I wasn’t going to build a website and not put it on the internet.

Due to the fact I didn’t want to create it one weekend and have nothing to do in ICT for several months though I have found myself in the strange situation of actually doing work in the class.

End result, I am pretty happy with the site. It actually half looked better in Internet Explorer 5.5 as that supported width tags for the hyperlinks. Everyone is getting standards compliment now though so it doesn’t work in modern browsers.

The influence of ICT can be seen on the site though. Features like a guestbook that you wouldn’t find on regular sites are there. It allowed me to get soe development on things like a poll class though which was pretty cool.