Archive for August, 2004

Revenge of the Nerds

Sunday, August 1st, 2004 | Life

Nerd Federation is on the grow :). Not only do we have posts and everything now but also this post marks the first one in August – we now have an archives section for July! Oh yes, these are the days people, these are the days. And speaking for today it has been pretty good even if I didn’t get up until 10. Though I do regret last night’s video choices – more on that some other time.

The end result of the activities from last night anyway is that I ended up in, looking through the filmography of John Goodman. He has done loads of voices but perhaps his most famous roll was in the Flintstones. One other film I fould he was in was a 1984 release called Revenge of the Nerds. With a title like that I just had to find out more.

The basic plot summary seems to be that a bunch of nerds are getting picked on and bullied and so form their own fraternity to fight back against the jocks with high tech weaponry and tactics. Kind of like in Malcolm in the Middle where the geeks guild that pie slinging thing with Stevie’s telescrope.

I headed onto to have a look for it and discovered there is a sequel too – £10 will score you Revenge of the Nerds 1 & 2. If you want to buy me a copy it’s available from and Amazon.