Archive for August, 2004

Our hardy band of warriors

Wednesday, August 4th, 2004 | Life

Of yes, we have a grouping with names and everything now. Like the 3 musketeers or the 3 Amego’s, we all have fancy names that have no meanings and a vague understanding but no more of what we actually do. Making plenty of sense? I knew it would!

There is Joe, aka, rawpulse. But from now on he shall be better known as Snitch Boy. Reporting problems, spam and bad messages to GameSpot earned him points towards his next level and even moderation of some far off Middle Eastern message board.

Then there is Carl, aka, ceon. Still yet to post on Nerd Federation
even though he has an account to do so, Carl eats fast – he can
constume fish and chips like a duck. None of this chewing business,
just straight swallowing. This led to him eating way too many pot
noodles, it’s like an addiction. I thought I was bad with ice pops, but
he just never stops! Therefore he shall herein be known as Pot Noodle

Finally we come to me. Despite the fact I have been clean of registering new domains for over 48 hours now, my constant patrols of eBay and RegisterFly’s marketplace have even opened my eyes to the slight possiblity I maybe registering too many. Especially as my dad, who has no idea what domains and websites I have has even begun to question if I have too many domains. Therefore I shall be known as Domain Boy.

Our mission, to rid the world of the evils of non-amatur movies, natzis and all the major world religions. We will not stop until we get a bit tired or the new series of QI begins. We are… well we don’t have a name yet – but we will get one, oh yes, just you wait!

Dragged into Big Brother

Wednesday, August 4th, 2004 | Life

Wow this is depressing. After watching Peter Kay live I neglected to turn the TV off and the enivitable happened. After all, you can’t leave Channel 4 on for over an hour at any time in the day without running into yet more Big Brother.  But there are only 2 days left to go. Well maybe not with all the winner follow up that they are planning this year.

One thing did occur to me to mention however. For all Ben Elton fans, read Dead Famous? Great book, but the point is – Woggle, Kitten?!? I mean wow, Kitten is everything that Woggle was. And Woggle was a complete overblown joke, what kind of television is being produced today?

Moving onto other news, tommorow is the 5th attempt at a gathering – hopefully this time we will actually get stuff sorted. I made a purchase form CafeShops Worfolk Store today which should arrive within 3 weeks hopefully, so I want to delay the start of filming till then – I will post some photos when I get my deliver :D.

Random links, code, commentary

Wednesday, August 4th, 2004 | Tech

Hmm, time for another blog entry I believe. I have a few things to share so I might as well combine them into one super-blog. Like you know, whatever. Lol, anyway enough with the Simpsons quotes. I had a post to make last night but I forgot what it was going to be about. If for some reason you do, post it in the comments.

I got my copy of the Onion’s Weekly Dispatch this morning and found a great story continued therein. "CIA Asks Bush to Discontinue Blog." They really do, do some fantastically funny stuff the Onion. Check the news report out here. They have even created a page that is a screenshot from Bush’s blog :D. BTW I think that page will only be around until next issue.

What else did I want to share? Oh yes, I can’t remember if I posted this link but if you ever need a guide to regular expressions, then go here, I have been using it to work out all the mod_rewrite stuff and found it really helpful.

As for what else needed to be discussed that’s about it. Although I am experiencing problems with Awstats currently, not always showing the full page – it stops around days of the week which really sucks when you need to see some stats. BTW that code I tried for the distinct thing didn’t work but I didn’t go on testing as I realised I could filter it through a standard where clause.

Today’s not so gathering

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2004 | Life

Today was the day – Craig was finally going to turn up so we could do a Maze Radio show and have film ideas. And it was backed up more than a string of definatlies thrown at us. And what happens? Carl and Deni fail to show up. The spit roast is being prepared after Carl managed to survive the speaker phone. It’s a killer I tell you.

So what will happen now? Nobody really knows. There is very little productive ideas to come out of todays brainstorm. We went through several ideas including a rockband style documentary on the awesome band Tungston Puppy. There were also brainstorming on horror and crime shows and films which would also be cool.

But where should the production be going? Should be just continue making spoof movies to be hidden within my home made DVD collection or move up to the slightly bigger leagues with movies we can actually show people? There are many questions that surround us.

A key idea may be to bring back Movie Making Forums, which died some times ago with the databases and pretty much everything else being lost. It’s a bit of a pipedream until we can get back into the control of the domain though. launches

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2004 | News

It has been long awaited. Actually not that long awaited as I told very few people about it, I never confirmed it to anyone. But the point is it is now launched. I still have to add the link to Worfolk Online which I am going to do after this and work on the submissions script for admins but then it is pretty much done. I might give it a new colour scheme too, as currently it is basically Lyrics Burger. Or to be more precise, it is Lyrics Burger.

Anyway so check the site out at It doesn’t have much on at the minute – Nickelback only and only half of the stuff that is going to be posted for them. But once the submissions script is up and running I should be able to post plenty pretty fast and get the site up to scratch.

I just came from Google where I was submitting the site as it happens. Not that, that has much relevance but I thought I would throw it in. I think I shall also use this paragraph to mention I have several other topics that need moaning about on Nerd Federation. What a site!

Buffy is not a comedy drama

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2004 | Life

I think the blog title says it all. Here I am trying to write a news story and I am distracted by things like an article describing Buffy the Vampire Slayer as a comedy drama show. I mean, have they even seen the series? Sure it can be funny but there is no way that could ever be classed as a comedy drama.

Check the article out on Paragraph 3: what’s with that. Buffy is SF (speculative fiction). You can extend the genre to teen, maybe even stretch it all the way to drama. But comedy drama? Let’s get serious here people.

Speaking of Buffy, we are still looking and hoping for new life. There was talk of a Dawn the Vampire Slayer spinoff – pure rumour as far as anyone could make out. But apparently the Buffy the animated series is back in production so that should be something to look forward to.  Providing it’s pulled of well, but I’m not sure it’s even possible for Joss to do something badly, the original Buffy movie excluded.

As for talking Buffy there is only one place to do it: I say that not just to plug but because it still is an active community with new posts every day and new members signing up regularly. Including you: do it now!

Weather and Nero

Monday, August 2nd, 2004 | Life

Currently I consider them both to suck. Let’s start with the weather. We have plans tommorow and something could actually get done – everything is going to plan and then tonight it begins to violently thunder and lightening and now it’s started to rain. Plus I have loads of computer equipment that could get damaged by surges. Luckily my laptop is now producted by a Belkin Surger Master.

As for Nero, all I want to do is backup my files. First of all though when I booted up Nero Express it doesn’t appear to let me switch to CD mode from DVD mode. I would like to see it fit 4GB on my CD. So I finally did it through Smart Start and it keeps crashing.

Hopefully I can get it working and spent tonight doing some quality video encoding. Meh I might just switch my laptop off actually. That way I will actually be able to sleep rather than being kept awake by the less than quite fan. And Nero is still trying to add those files.

My escape is currently Dead Ringers but it only has 8 minutes left and it is either a repeat or they are majorly using old footage. I will go with repeats. There must be some stuff on at 10 but things will not be right again until QI returns.

Internet Shopping

Monday, August 2nd, 2004 | Life

Although it’s not actually the deepest debate, I got thinking about whether internet shopping is the way forward. Also I needed a main focus for my blog as otherwise it was going to have a title that involved the word ramble. And we don’t want go get to a point where my post contains waffle as a certain person would put it and later Gary Flockton when parody it ;). Those were the days.

But today we have moved on – to things like internet shopping. Considering I rarely leave my house it seems sensible I could just order my things online and have them delivered, it’s not like I am going to miss it. It saves me having to go out to the shops. Or normally it would save my parents. But oh no, a £3.50 delivery charge is too much to bare. Meh, not my problem I guess.

What else did I want to talk about? BTW I am talking to myself there. Oh yes mysterious traffic. Do people actually read Nerd Federation? I have finally managed to get into the stats as they tended to die in Firefox but for some reason IE worked fine. 44 visitors yesterday. No bots although before that we got some including Google and I think 2 others. 2 referals from Google too although no keywords – wierd.

Perhaps it’s just us hopping along to post stuff though. It’s easily conceivable that we make 10 page views per post. 4 posts per day could
account for all the page views. Of course the sensible thing would be
to move my eyes less than an inch to the left to look at the visitor
count but I won’t be doing that.

Using Distinct in SQL Select

Sunday, August 1st, 2004 | Life

I was looking for the meanings of some songs recently I noticed there are virtually no sites out their with song means like lyrics sites. It’s probably due to lyrics being a lot more readily available and popular than meanins but I see a gap for a potential new website there. With that in mind I set about thinking how I can adapt my existing lyrics database to do it.

What I would normally do to list artists and albums, etc would be to use distinct. But that would mean I could only get one column out of the database and I need to check to see if there is anything in the meanings column as for most of the songs in the lyrics database, there won’t be. The problem is that distinct check all columns listed not just the first.

On looking around for the answer, the best thing I could find is located here, on the SitePoint Forums. I am hoping it will do what I want – select everything from the database but only where there is a unqiue artist name.

select * from yourtable where lastnamein ( select lastname from yourtable group by lastname having count(*) > 1 )

Looks crazy to be but I am willing to give it a go. I will keep you posted on how it turns out.

Coyote Ugly

Sunday, August 1st, 2004 | Life

Crazy McCrazySon. Now there is a guy who knew about stuff. But anyway let’s get on with this post. Last night (and to an extent this morning) I was watching Coyote Ugly on ITV1. I regret my decision to video Law & Order: Special Victims unit instead of it but I guess this way I can justify buying it on DVD :D.

I spent some quality time writing reviews for the movie. You can see the first one I did on Review Machine movies and the second one I did is splashed over the Emo Movies homepage – yep, that’s right, I actually updated Emo Movies. For only the second time in history lol.

Maybe I can catch it on video next time it’s on. This isn’t the first time ITV1 have shown it, they had it on a few months ago, but I missed it last time. Oh well, I needed to spin out a final paragraph which I think worked out well ;). Cool movie.