Posts Tagged ‘tired’


Monday, April 6th, 2009 | Life, Thoughts

I’m really feeling the stress and strain at the moment so I’m trying to take it a bit easier. Hence it’s only 11:15 and I’m in bed already. With I hope only about 30 minutes of work to finish off before I can go to sleep I am hoping to be out by around midnight and almost get my full 8 hours in!

I feel this is somehow giving in though, normally I would have just had some red bull and kept going for a while longer, while I could do given my detox doesn’t start until Sunday (and to be honest it will probably be fairly flexible). I feel it might do me some good almost getting the required amount of sleep in for one night though so I’m going to give it the old college try.


Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008 | Life

Being rather exhausted after London, I spent most of Monday sleeping. And it was good 😀 .

Unfortunately I had some work to catch up on from the weekend (though I’m not fully caught up on it yet even now) but I almost managed a day off, like a proper one with nothing to do or anything. Good times. Especially as it doesn’t look like I’ll get my final day off from work due to how busy we are.

Apparently I really needed it though as I was still exhausted on Tuesday though awake enough to make it into work without sliding my car into a fence, a task not quite achieved by everyone in my office 😀 .