Posts Tagged ‘money’

Credit crunch? What credit crunch?

Sunday, October 5th, 2008 | Life


Ha, yeeeah. That’s just a few hundred pounds I happened to have in cash.

I don’t actually have any spare cash, I just happened to get my expenses back from A-Soc today. It needs to go into my bank account ASAP to make the books balanace this month but until the bank opens tomorrow I’ve got nothing else to do than look smug 😉 .

Life is expensive

Thursday, June 19th, 2008 | Friends, Life

In preperation for our upcoming house move and Oli needing to get alcohol and snacks in for his birthday party tonight we headed off to Tesco (via a few other shops last night) and managed to spend a rather impressive £260 between us!

Between the endless series of deliveries for things we need for the new house as well, I’m rather scared of looking at my credit card bills. Especially as my wages for the next 6 weeks are basically going to pay for my rent and maybe my petrol :o.