Posts Tagged ‘freedom of expression’

Professor Ian Cram at LAS

Saturday, October 23rd, 2010 | Humanism

Recently Professor Ian Cram spoke at Atheist Society on freedom of expression with regards to religion in a talk entitled “Freedom of Expression and Protection of Religious Beliefs.” It provided a fascinating insight into the law surrounding the subject and as well worth attending.

The fine line between nuns and hookers

Saturday, September 20th, 2008 | Religion & Politics

With new legislation having been introduced in Italy to limit what prostitutes can do or wear on the streets, they have come up with a rather interesting solution.

The Telegraph reports that they are taking to dressing as nuns so the police cannot arrest them for wearing “unseemly and indecent clothing.”

Pia Covre, from the Committee for the Rights of Prostitutes, told the Corriere della Sera newspaper “the idea of wearing gowns or habits down to the feet is to confront the decrees which limit even the freedom of what you can wear.”