Friday, October 24th, 2008 | Life
I went for a meal with my parents on Wednesday night. I mean, that’s like a thing to do when you’re really old isn’t it?
I was hoping it would result in a fairly reasonable night in terms of sleep given I left at like 8:45ish so I could get to Tesco for 9 but by the time I had shopped (including 38 litres of drinks 😀 ), got home, unpacked, had a shower it was like 11 and I still had a load of work to do which saw me into the early hours. Oh well, better luck next time.
I went for a meal with my parents on Wednesday night. I mean, that’s like a thing to do when you’re really old isn’t it?
I was hoping it would result in a fairly reasonable night in terms of sleep given I left at like 8:45ish so I could get to Tesco for 9 but by the time I had shopped (including 38 litres of drinks 😀 ), got home, unpacked, had a shower it was like 11 and I still had a load of work to do which saw me into the early hours. Oh well, better luck next time.