Je suis Charlie
Saturday, January 10th, 2015 | Religion & Politics

The response of the emergency services on 7 July was inspiring. But what I found more inspiring was what people did on 8 July. They got back on the buses, they got back on the underground, and they showed that they were no afraid.
Just like people did in the Second World War. Keep calm and carry on. These days that phrase is unfortunately associated with fuck-wit hipsters, to the point where it is easy to forget its important origins as a motivational poster to support the blitz. When the shit falls, you don’t run scared, you don’t get angry, you just carry on and show them you will not be victimised.
The response of the emergency services on 7 July was inspiring. But what I found more inspiring was what people did on 8 July. They got back on the buses, they got back on the underground, and they showed that they were no afraid.
Just like people did in the Second World War. Keep calm and carry on. These days that phrase is unfortunately associated with fuck-wit hipsters, to the point where it is easy to forget its important origins as a motivational poster to support the blitz. When the shit falls, you don’t run scared, you don’t get angry, you just carry on and show them you will not be victimised.