Posts Tagged ‘artwork’

Society of the summer

Thursday, August 21st, 2008 | Humanism

A-Soc is continuing to do well over summer, we managed 16 people to this week’s Tuesday social.

We are getting a great attendance every week and a good mix of new people and recurring people which tend to mix from week to week as people go on holiday and we still maintain our numbers, not bad, not bad at all.

Meanwhile I got the proofs from the printers back for the business cards. I sent them the high quality 300dpi source files to printing and to make sure the vectors looked right when they opened them I sent along some sample JPEGs in low quality with the word “sample” written in big letters on them just so there would be no confusion.

It having been a few days I had already phoned them to ask where the proofs were, apparentely they had been sent and had just “gone missing” before they arrived in my inbox. So once it was re-sent I opened them up to find them with a note saying the image quality was poor and with the word “sample” written in big letters across them.

I’m assured by the graphic designers in my office that this is quite normal behaviour for printers. So the fun may be just beginning there. Hoodies might turn up soon if we’re lucky too.