I feel the need to blog. I’m just browsing around random sites and not really sure where I was going with it but I want to start up a new site, maybe for The O.C., maybe just expanding Insterstate.nu, every time I come up with something it leads me on to something else.
What I really want is a community. But a community without a real site isn’t much good as I want a more fully rounded site as a lot of ad networks don’t take community based sites and I want to expand my options rather than being reliant on one or two income sources.
The O.C. would be a good choice as I really do love the show. I got through seven episodes yesterday which maybe wasn’t the best thing to do considering I had coursework that needed to be handed in at 9:00 am this morning but you try tearing yourself away from that show just as the Alex Marissa story arc develops. I’m thinking about getting a remote for my PC but that’s a different story.
So anyway yeah. The O.C. rocks! But there are already some major O.C. sites out there that would be really hard to compete with. The OC Show is now boasting 25,000 members although The OC Forums seems to have fallen to TheTVForums.com. The OC Files is still going strong too.
I have quite a payment coming up late next month though and although it would be useful in paying off the money I’ve blown so far at uni or indeed my on going costs, I really want to invest it in a vBulletin licence for a community :P.
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This entry was posted on Thursday, November 10th, 2005 at 10:48 am and is filed under Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.