Like the dance commander, we go all night

There is something magical about all-nighters.

I’m going to miss them when I graduate. Although I will hopefully graduate into an environment where there are still plenty of them. I can’t see it disappearing if I’m working at a software company beit my own or even if I sell out. Hopefully the professionalism of a company will give us the organisational skills to actually get some chair races going too.

Helen commented “you lot love all nighters.” Who is us lot? That is a very sweeping generalisation which really annoy me. But what could I really expect, after all, everyone from Wales is small minded. Eh, see what I did there ;). The point is, I kind of do love them. They suck in having to do work and I would much rather have the work done beforehand with plenty of time to spare. But if the work is out of the way and it’s just adding extra bits or polishing things off then they can be a lot of fun too.

You get a wonderful community atmosphere that you don’t really get during the day. The desks are piled high with energy drinks and cans of coke (unopened of course, nobody drinks in labs :p) and the bins in the corridor outside smell of the late night run to Fortune Cookie which last night saw us order so much food for the people in DEC-10 that we got a box to carry it all in.

In the end, while I wouldn’t miss the stress of late night coding sessions just before deadlines, I will miss the atmosphere and experience. What we should really start having are all-nighters as soon as the coursework comes out :p.



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