Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Darwin Day 2008

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008 | Events, Humanism

Yesterday was Darwin Day, the celebration of the anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin, the father of modern evolutionary theory (or if you will, inventor of evolution :D). Sarann and Michelle having spent all weekend baking cakes (and a big thanks to them for doing so!) we spent the day outside the union talking to people about Darwin, handing out leaflets and selling our homemade wares.

The talks at lunch time and in the evening were reasonably well attended (by that I mean, some people actually came) and we have Norm’s speech on video which is now awaiting processing for the website. We got quite a few new people interested in the society too which was good.

Darwin Day 2008

Happy winter solstice

Saturday, December 22nd, 2007 | Events

Tonight is the longest night of the year. For the nothern hemisphere at least. Solstice occurs at 06:08 to be exact. It only gettings lighter from here people (although to be clear that’s not indefinite :p).

Gillian Gibbons rally

Monday, December 3rd, 2007 | Events, Humanism, Religion & Politics

Earlier today A-Soc held a support rally for the British teacher Gillian Gibbons. We had quite a decent turn out in that people actually turned up which is always a victory :D. While we were only around for an hour we got quite a bit of interest and got someone new interested in the society so all in all it was a rather successful event. Go A-Soc!

Microsoft PFE recruitment

Saturday, October 27th, 2007 | Events

Thursday saw Microsoft’s Premiere Field Engineering section come in to the School of Computing to try and grab some recruits. It started out with a lecture in the morning at which I picked up two t-shirts and a USB stick (as well as several pens though none of them actually worked lol). This was followed by some technical demos, which despite suffering technical problems at every turn was quite interesting.

Finally we hit The Faversham where the conservatory had been reserved along with a bar tap of £400. Disappointingly it took us about two hours to drink our way through it, though not by lack of effort on my part.