Another driving test looms

Well it is Sunday night. I still haven’t had my phone call from the WB although there is still another hour and a half to go. As expected look like I will be getting it early in the week though. As for the weekend it hasn’t been that productive, I got some stuff done but when I thought about it, it just seemed to disappear.

I have another driving test Tuesday and you know what they said – 4th time lucky. As it happens this is my 3rd test but I was to give myself a little bit of room in case I mess up again so I’m sticking with 4th time lucky. I am thinking about taking my troll as my Buddha does not seem to be filled with luck at the moment.

That is actually true of my exams. The only I thought went best was my media exam which I actually forgot my Buddha. The other two exams I had I did ok in but no brilliant. Well that is just my opinion as I don’t actually get my results until March. I am actually quite interested to see what I got. I actually need good greats now if I want to get into Leeds University.

I actually have another open day coming up at Leeds although I think it is going to distract me from playing World of Warcraft. I signed up the beta program and am currently downloading although I have been since Friday and am only 46% done. It is one big download.



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This entry was posted on Sunday, January 30th, 2005 at 3:23 pm and is filed under Life. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.