Archive for May, 2024

Challenge 120

Sunday, May 12th, 2024 | Sport

In 2015, James Lawrence, also known as the Iron Cowboy, set the world record for number of full distance triathlons completed on consecutive days: 50. In 2021, he raised the bar to 100 and then in 2023, Sean Conway raised the bar to 105.

Last week, Jonas Deichmann kicked off Challenge 120: an attempt to complete 120 full distance triathlons in 120 days. For reference, that is a 3.8 km swim, 180 km cycle and a 42.2 km run (full marathon) each day. You can follow him each day on his live tracker and there are daily updates on Instagram, too.

350th parkrun

Monday, May 6th, 2024 | Sport

Not a real milestone. My running form looks pretty good, though. Thanks Dermot for the photo.