Archive for March, 2009

Crazy Tuesdays

Thursday, March 12th, 2009 | Events, Humanism, Life

Tuesday evening started off with the usual A-Soc committee meeting which brought up some interesting discussions, followed by the usual A-Soc meeting which this week was Michael’s talk which by all accounts was excellent.

Unfortunately I missed the talk as I was down at the Humanist Society of West Yorkshire attending their event on Ashley Montagu as a critic of Darwin which was also very interesting. Too many choices on Tuesday!

This was followed by hitting The Terrace for a few drinks at which we bashed out some great ideas (or as a titled the sheet at the time, ideas that seemed great when we were in the pub 😉 ) for Rationalist Week so hopefully some of them will actually be useful!

The Huddersfield plan

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009 | Humanism

I had a meeting on Monday with Mike and Daryl from the University of Huddersfield to discuss the creation of an atheist society there. I think we bashed out a few good ideas and there is certainly a lot of potential, we just need to get a few more students on board and it should be ready to rock and roll.

More importantly though, this brings me one more step closer to Patrick Stewart 😀 .


Wednesday, March 11th, 2009 | Friends, Life

Sunday saw another exciting night with Rich not being on the close and Craig not being at band we were able to meet up in The Mill beforehand and have a few drinks before heading off to the local Toby Carvery for a meal. There is just something so satisfying about saying “I’ll have every meat please” 😀 .

Felix Craig, Zoe, Chris Craig, Zoe, Chris

Perspective: Paganism

Wednesday, March 11th, 2009 | Events, Humanism, Religion & Politics

Friday saw our Perspective session on Paganism with a practicing witch coming into to talk to us. You have to respect the guy’s honestly, he opening said “it’s all made up” and was created about 30-40 years ago. However it is apparently a belief system that works for him and he has seen it working with his coven using the power of their mind to change reality. Fair enough I guess.

Zoltan provided the food this week and did a rather nice vegeterian dish. We also had meeting room 8 rather than meeting room 5 so we actually had enough space for once. All in all, a very nice session if I do say so myself.

Perspective: Paganism Perspective: Paganism Perspective: Paganism

No Vices Week

Sunday, March 8th, 2009 | Life

Last week was No Vices Week which was a week (well, 5 days lol) in which we avoided takeaway and alcohol and donated the money we saved to Rationalist Week. There wasn’t a huge uptake but some of us actually managed most of it.

It almost killed me to be honest. Day after day I was like “aww, I can just get McDonald’s on the way home” and then remembering I couldn’t. I drove Norm to work on Tuesday morning thinking I could just go for breakfast to fill the gap before I started work and then realised I couldn’t so I headed for “non-takeaway” breakfast – which was closed! Needless to say, I was not amused.

The other worry of course was that with me and Lil not eating McDonald’s we would put on a lot of weight (we are of course living proof that McDonald’s keeps you thin). Luckily Lil came up with the answer in us just sugaring our bread and eating a loaf a day. Seems to have worked.


Sunday, March 8th, 2009 | Life

Having nothing officially scheduled to do on Wednesday night (I had no appointments, just the usual stuff to catch up on) I was looking forward to an easy night and set off driving home from work. I almost made it as well. I had literally just pulled up outside my house when I got a phone call from Lil telling me to come to the pub.

So I headed down to The Terrace where Lil was off her face alright along with Oli, Fat Harriet and Norm. Nicola and Matt later joined us too so it turned into an alright night until Lil ruined it by spilling beer everywhere (tut, tut, tut 😀 ).

Talking Humanism

Sunday, March 8th, 2009 | Humanism

Tuesday saw A-Soc roll around again and with no exec members there on the night, it was up to Sophie to lead us for the night. But of course she didn’t so I had to do it 😛 . The night involved a short introduction to Humanism given by myself followed by a formal debate on whether Humanism was a religion.

Michael argued it was and made some good points but was ultimately beaten by Tom who bravely swapped sides at the last minute after none of the speakers who were going to be arguing Humanism isn’t a religion showed up.

Humanism debate Humanism debate Humanism debate

Dawkins fans unite

Wednesday, March 4th, 2009 | Humanism

Monday saw a meetup organised on in Leeds. Of course, the last thing Leeds actually needs is yet another splinter group for the whole free thinking movement but sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

The turnout was quite good, 15-20 people for just a pub meetup and the first time it had been done too. Myself and Rich basically just spent the entire night name dropping having recently attended the AHS press launch.

It also turns out that the Scarborough Hotel is quite a nice pub. You learn something new every day.

Richard Dawkins meetup Rich posing Rich posing


Wednesday, March 4th, 2009 | Religion & Politics

So it turns out that Sikhism is just Humanism.

It has a bit extra, some stuff about “the Divine” but basically they believe that everything is god pantheism style so basically there isn’t a god and we should just all be nice to each other.

The other fact we learnt about Sikhism is that it’s followers are not big fans of sandwiches. We made a lot of sandwiches most of which went uneaten. Luckily however the CU were right next door and so gave us a hand with the whole sandwich consumption thing.

It’s interestingly really because it goes back to the whole Atheists and Christians are united by their love of sandwiches. We really need to do some kind of joint sandwich event in the future.

Perspective: Sikhism Perspective: Sikhism Perspective: Sikhism