Archive for July, 2008

In cars

Monday, July 7th, 2008 | Life

The central locking is finally working again on my car!

It has been a bit of a mission though. I got a phone call from Evans Halshaw to inform me that the part that had been on order was finally in so I booked it in for a service to take place this morning. Phoned my dad up to see if he could give me a lift to work once I’d booked it in.

Turns out, he had his car booked in for a service at the same time.

I mean seriously, what are the odds? Let’s assume that the car goes in twice a year, that means his car is going in once every 150 days meaning that the probability is like 1%. Still, we worked in some kind of plan as he was picking up a curtesy car.

I was 15 minutes late down there because a lane of the inner ring road was closed off and there was an accident down near Hunslet road combining to some rather large queues. Then we had to navigate our way back to Evans Halshaw Nissan to drop my dad’s car in and finally get me to work. By the time I got to work I felt like I’d done a days work :P.

Integrating SVN with Apache

Sunday, July 6th, 2008 | Life, Tech

If you want to allow access to SVN via Apache, it’s actually nice and easy to install and configure it on a blank system. First, install Apache.

yum install httpd httpd-devel httpd-manual

Next, install Subversion.

yum install subversion

Now we need to bridge he two.

yum install mod_dav_svn

Once you have done this, we have everything we need. So we can go ahead and edit the Subversion configuration to add the Subversion directory to Apache.

vim subversion.conf

Finally, start and reload Apache, then go about creating your SVN repository.

We’re still number one

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008 | Humanism

A-Soc rules.

It really does. We’re like the only people doing anything at the moment it seems.

Despite it now being summer, university having finished and everyone having gone home we are still seeing turns outs of dozens of people for A-Soc’s weekly social event. Take that Buddha!

Moving house

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008 | Life

I have a lot of stuff.

Despite making several trips in my car during the slight overlap period we have I did my main move along with a lot of the house stuff on Saturday morning and managed to pack out my car, Norm’s car, my parent’s Mondeo estate, the trailer on the back of the Mondeo estate and my parent’s X-Trail. Quite an impressive convoy we had going.

Still things are moving slowly. The lounge is still a mass of boxes as is my bedroom and it’s not getting shifted particularly quickly. While I spend most of my time at home sorting through things, when you work 7 days a week, you’re free time is not actually not much time.

Still, I have some days off coming in December, I can use those to unpack.


Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008 | Humanism, Life

With the long awaited conference for atheist, Humanist, secular and generally free thinking student societies finally having arrived, myself and Norm headed up to Edinburgh for the conference that would form the foundation of our national federation for such societies.

I feel I was lied to. I was told Scotland had a road network. It really doesn’t. It’s barely motorway up to Newcastle due to roadworks currently going on and after that it just runs out entirely – some of the A1, the legendary A1, is basically just a country lane.

Still we made it up there in one piece and kicked off the Friday night with introductions, a meal and some late night drinking. It was nice to have some fun as basically what followed was two days of talks, debates and lots of Humanism.

Never the less we have all come away from the event with a new national oranisation – the national federation of atheist, Humanist and secular student studies or A.H.S. for short. So all in all a rather successful weekend.

Bella Italia

Tuesday, July 1st, 2008 | Friends, Life

Last Wednesday we headed down to Bella Italia for a form of “goodbye” meal to Mr. O’Shea who is regretably leaving us to take a million-pound-per-day job down in London.

It was a fairly nice place and the good was good and despite me getting called away for one or two very short phone calls the company was excellent too. Not a bad place to spend an evening.