One thing about being a developer whether you work for a multi-national corporation like Microsoft or whether you run websites in your spare time, there will be one fact that remains true across it all – you’ll be really lazy and hate having to do repetitive tasks.
That’s why people come up with all these little applications and scripts to make things faster. Such as my script to transfer all my posts from pLog into WordPress. I could have transfered them manually and it probably wouldn’t have taken that much longer but it’s more fun to write a script.
One I have just finished on is to generate the linkage for my new blogs. Stuff like Movie Steak in between every second post there is linkage to stuff on all the other blogs, that was the idea behind the network. But until now I had to go round each site and get athe stories and URLs. Now with the script I have you just click on what blog you want to post to and it will go through all the RSS feeds and get the latest stories from the other blogs.
It’s not perfect – it will use duplicate stories and could potentially include linkage as a story and also I normally add the word review to reviews from the movies and music blogs which it doesn’t do but then I can always add that in my hand as it outputs to a textarea so I can modify the output before copy and pasting it.
The only other issue I have had is that the output of the RSS feed causes problems with the ‘s. They are output differently by WordPress and although it claims to be UTF-8 I have set my XML parser to that encoding and it produces some wierd results.