Archive for January, 2006

MediaWiki update

Tuesday, January 10th, 2006 | Life

Ok, so I got the CSS issue fixed and I’ve also been looking into some of the anti-spam methods. First of all I added a new regex filter which will block any changes containing certain words. Secondly I added an extention named Bad Behavior which checks to see if the user is a real user or a bot and blocks access accordingly.


Tuesday, January 10th, 2006 | Life

So Buffy Wiki is currently down because of MediaWiki, I may just revert to the old version if I can’t solve it, what else can I do? I’m trying to get my phpBB installs upgraded too but there has been a massive amount of changes to the styles which is just another huge issue.

I could use an FTP client on my desktop so I’m toying with the idea of buying AceFTP 3 as it’s a great FTP client.

MediaWiki upgrades

Tuesday, January 10th, 2006 | Life

I’m in the process of upgrading my MediaWiki installs. It really makes you appreciate how simple it is to upgrade phpBB. I don’t think I have ever come across a script which is as quick and easy to upgrade as phpBB is. It’s great just upload the new files from your changed files download which has a package for everyone, then run the updator and delete the install directory. Then you’re done.

MediaWiki is way more complex. To upgrade it at the moment I have to do a fresh install of the script then connect it to the database and update the schema, then upgrade the encoding used in the database and even in the official documentation it didn’t work for them.

I really need a push on getting all my scripts up to date I think. I’m not sure what to do about WordPress though, I’m not a fan of version 2. There are a number of other scripts I need to get upgraded as well and I’ll be checking my list to see what I need to do when I have my wikis sorted.

One mad evening

Tuesday, January 10th, 2006 | Life

I came up to my room a little after midnight planning to go to bed but I sat down at my computers to close down what I was doing, maybe take a quick look at Dmoz. So from planning to go to bed then so I could get up at some decent time tomorrow to get some revision done, how did I end up still up now?

There is obviously some kind of conspiraxy against me. I’ve been doing stuff on Dmoz, I got reading the forums there too, and the Orton Chat forums, also I posted the new video news updates and fixed the Linux server problems. Hopefully now I can actually get some sleep.

Wacky Linux adventures

Tuesday, January 10th, 2006 | Life

Ok, so my WordPress blogs went down. I tried restarting MySQL and my whole server but that didn’t work. I’d had the problem before and on flicking around on WHM I noticed my /tmp folder was at 100% and it clicked that the problem was that my tmp folder was full and WordPress needs some space in it to work.

So I tried to access it via FileZilla, that won’t give me access to my server. So I thought I would have a wack with regular SSH and went in a deleted all the files in my tmp folder. This worked fine but it should have deleted the mysql.sock file which is required to connect. It’s not listed in there anymore but I seem to be connecting to MySQL fine on WordPress and my other sites so I’m confused there.

Celeb Linkage looking good

Monday, January 9th, 2006 | Life

I took a peak at the Celeb Linkage stats today and was pleasantly surprised to see it had already knocked up 145 uniques for January. Considering I only launched the site in December I think it’s doing quite nicely.

Most of the traffic appears to be coming from search engines, and it’s real traffic, none of this Google Images crap that most of my sites get. This is weird as the idea behind the posts with images was that they would pull in that kind of traffic ;).

My hope is that my blogs such as Movie Steak and DVD Steak are also doing well although Celeb Linkage is on a different server and so will be reaping some decent benefits from all the links from my VPS’s IP although I guess that only counts as one. Only time will tell, I don’t have stats for them yet as my VPS is so overloaded it hasn’t had a chance to run them yet. I’m trying to keep server load to get rid of the stats backlog at the moment as I have been doing for a few days now.

Back into the VNUs

Monday, January 9th, 2006 | Life

Now that I am back at bod with my nice plain walls I have got back into the video news updates for some of my fansites. I’ve recorded new ones for the four sites that I do them for and should have them uploaded by tomorrow.

Tinkering and those little scripts

Monday, January 9th, 2006 | Life

One thing about being a developer whether you work for a multi-national corporation like Microsoft or whether you run websites in your spare time, there will be one fact that remains true across it all – you’ll be really lazy and hate having to do repetitive tasks.

That’s why people come up with all these little applications and scripts to make things faster. Such as my script to transfer all my posts from pLog into WordPress. I could have transfered them manually and it probably wouldn’t have taken that much longer but it’s more fun to write a script.

One I have just finished on is to generate the linkage for my new blogs. Stuff like Movie Steak in between every second post there is linkage to stuff on all the other blogs, that was the idea behind the network. But until now I had to go round each site and get athe stories and URLs. Now with the script I have you just click on what blog you want to post to and it will go through all the RSS feeds and get the latest stories from the other blogs.

It’s not perfect – it will use duplicate stories and could potentially include linkage as a story and also I normally add the word review to reviews from the movies and music blogs which it doesn’t do but then I can always add that in my hand as it outputs to a textarea so I can modify the output before copy and pasting it.

The only other issue I have had is that the output of the RSS feed causes problems with the ‘s. They are output differently by WordPress and although it claims to be UTF-8 I have set my XML parser to that encoding and it produces some wierd results.

Back at Bod

Sunday, January 8th, 2006 | Life

I feel like I have been neglecting my blog a bit recently. I’ve been pretty wrapped up in getting back into World of Warcraft and the various other things I’ve been doing that I haven’t posted in days.

Somehow my Chrismukka holidays turned out to be quite hectic considering they were suppose to be the resting period before going at it again. Still maybe once I get back into the routine of things, everything will settle down.

I moved back into Bodington today, indeed I’m only really finishing unpacking now. I can’t believe how much stuff I managed to pile up on my floor last night, I had endless amounts of bags and that was before I packed away my computers and other electronics.

My life’s purpose was to witness this moment

Wednesday, January 4th, 2006 | Life

World of Warcraft horse