Archive for December, 2004

Problems with Firefox 1.0

Sunday, December 26th, 2004 | Life

Ok, I am starting to think that Mozilla have actually gone backwards with Firefox 1.0 since I upgraded from Firefox 0.9. I am still without my IE View extension although there are bigger problems emerging.

The first is that when I went to find something and I typed it into the bar at the top right of the screen it searched Google instead. I though, oh it must have defaulted back to Google. But no, find on this page is missing from there totally!

Secondly, is the random screen space taken up. When it blocks a pop-up or when you go to find on this page from the edit menu, it brings up this huge toolbar on your page. How is this better than what is was before?

Thirdly, and post annoyingly, Firefox has gone Internet Explorer on us. When you click a link in Outlook Express, it opens up in your current window rather than opening up a new window. Is there a way to fix this? This is terrible!

Adventures with Firefox 1.0

Sunday, December 26th, 2004 | Life

I have just upgraded from Firefox 0.9 to Firefox 1.0. Everything downloaded ok and the installation seemed to go fine I did a full install thing with the extra web developer component though I haven’t played around with it yet. The installation kept all my settings from what I can see so far too.

I did run into a problem with the extensions though. I have three installed, an RSS reader, a proxy tool and a view this page in IE tool. Though I have to compliment it on being able to look for compatible extensions and install them I am still without Sage and ieview. The latter of which I use a lot.

I am almost tempted to switch back to get the functionality back. Still maybe I will hold out and see if an updated version comes out or there is something else to do the job. From what I here, compatibility problems with sites site GameSpot are less in 1.0 than in 0.9. The homepage finally works in 1.0 at least.

I still need to make a GameSpot rant sometime but anyway. Firefox 1.0 seems ok, the menu bar lights up when your in a secure area and the go button looks strangely new. I managed to find a new version of Sage that seemed to install ok, though my new version of IE View is still not compatible apparently. That’s not what the website says.

Where the Smith is everybody?

Saturday, December 25th, 2004 | Life

There was much talk before today about who would be hanging around on the internet on Christmas Day. Well I’m on now and I appear to be all by my lonesome. No posts on Buffy Talk, nobody on the instant messager networks (ok I have plenty of people on just none of the people I want to me on).

Still I guess nothing went to plan. I was going to be on all day from around 9 am onwards. However due to family interuptions I was distracted and only got in 30 minutes online before it was time to eat. That look almost 4 hours and I have only now got away.

Still this should free up some time although no doubt I will be dragged back in and out of the frey severals times before the day is over. All I really want is to play my guitar, download some porn and chat to some friends. Still, that is Christmas Day for you.

Bad, "don’t think I can’t hear you playing my guitar." People treat it like public property, just like the way we all use my mum’s camera. Well except me as I got mine back from the service centre recently. That is a post I had already made though.

Anyway, I think I made my point, I might go on a little to talk about Chrismukka in a later post. My sister didn’t even get that when I wrote it in her card though, she needs to watch more of The O.C.

Happy Chrismukka!

Friday, December 24th, 2004 | Life

For those of you who are not in the know (shame on you, watch more TV!) Chrismukka is a hybrid of Christmas and Hannukah created by Seth on The O.C. Great show. Anyway, I was going to do this post tomorrow but we are well past midnight anyway. I will probably do some more tomorrow as well as I will be working online tomorrow too.

I had to stay up till at least midnight as it was reset day for both Black Nova Traders and Paranormal Deathmatch on Fallen Nation. So I did these just before midnight and though I can finally go to sleep. Then I remembered I hadn’t updated my daily news sites :o.

Well that took another 20 minutes out of me. Ah well, once I rule the web it will be all worth it – right? Finally it is all wrapped up though and everything else can weight for tomorrow or maybe the day after. Except domains and daily news which will have to come tomorrow. I need to freeze time somehow.

Not that I am complaining though. Well I am but I still enjoy it. Running websites, no matter how annoying and stressful is still what I want to do. How did this post get emo? Anyway, the Chrismukka celebrations stuff can wait until the morning. Or maybe this is the morning and I won’t post till afternoon. Whatever it is, I will post – later!

My camera is back

Thursday, December 23rd, 2004 | Life

Towards the end of the afternoon today there was a knock at the door. I was going to ignored if but I decided it might be some kind of knife salesman so I decided to see who it was. As it happened, it was a delivery for me, returning my digitial camera to me which is good news.

I sent it back to the Nikon service centre as it broke while in the case (how does that happen)? They not only repaired it but they did it in time for Christmas which was really cool of them. Will be cool if it snows as that should provide some pictures for my I-will-start-eventually stock photography site.

As for what else is happening, I am tempted to do something new and crazy for Christmas. After all I will be updating my websites and generally working on Christmas day. Out of choice, as that is the kind of dedicated person I am ;). Plus it gives me bragging power which I need to make extensive use of.

Frinks should really have Christmas content although it should have had it by now. There is also the should I post happy Christmas on each of the daily news sites. They will all look the same though and online, I don’t even know how much of the readership base for each site actually celebrates Christmas.

I mean, not being Christian I don’t want to seem like I am advocating it. Then again I do celebrate Christmas, as a commerical holiday but that is a whole different story. Encoria rules!

Random shopping lists

Thursday, December 23rd, 2004 | Life

I am still bitter about Suprnova, although I never got round to making another post about it. Still there is plenty of time. Well that is what I thought but by know there was loads of work I had planned to do and haven’t even with the free time I have this Christmas. But anyway I am sort of doing something now even if it isn’t what I was planning to do.

End result is that I found a list on a bit of paper in the giant pile of stuff I have to sort through about all the random stuff I spent my birthday money on back in October. Interestingly enough, I ordered a DVD from Play near the end of October and didn’t get it until the middle of December. Rare stock huh?

Hmm, I might make a post about the alternative spellings (well 2) of the word hu. Traditionally I used hu although I have started to use huh more now too. Anyway, I have bought so much recently the list doesn’t really cover anything I bought in November or December – this is just the last week of October.

I picked up both Tomb Raider movies in HMV for £15 as I wasn’t going to go all the way into town and not buy anything. I got some online bargins in eBay too though with Antitrust for £2.70 and £4.50.

My order list from isn’t exactly sort either. In like a week I ordered So Little Time volumne 2 (£10), Justine (£6.50), Father Ted series 3 (£9), Skater Girl (£10) and Miss Congeniality (£6). I would like to say I stopped buying so much after that first week but…

Oh god no, not Suprnova!

Sunday, December 19th, 2004 | Life

Suprnova is for the moment no more! It is hard to beleive that after years of Suprnova being probably (or in other peoples opinion, easily) the best source of torrents on the internet the site has closed down.

Not that I would ever use the content on Suprnova or condone the behaviour of people who used it, I am sure that there will be millions of people who will continue the site a huger loss to the online community.

The message from sloncek and the rest of the team said that the site may return although if it did it would not be carrying torrents so you have to wonder exactly it would be doing if it did relaunch.

Still though, Suprnova is a part of the internet and now it is gone! It has become a legend in advocacy against the music industry all their all consuming profits (ok that is just the excuse we all give). Rest in peace Suprnova, rest in peace.

The resultant of problems

Sunday, December 19th, 2004 | Life

Problems are never good. I spent an hour trying to sort some JavaScript out this morning that still doesn’t work. I really hate JavaScript as you can copy and paste it from one idential location to another and it won’t work in the latter for no apparent reason. Annoying language.

Anyway the Linux server is getting DDOSed or something because both FTP and web have been at a crawl all day and I have had nothing to do all day but work in Linux server projects. Well I have other things though those were the things I wanted to get on to.

Right now I am trying post on the daily news sites though again they are on the Linux server so every other request is timing out. Most annoying. I wonder how I shall fair when I attempt to post this on Nerd Federation.

Of course part of the reason why it could be taking so long to load is that time has stopped. I need Christmas to arrive, it is holding my new guitar hostage! I have the bands website online and everything which I shall be launching soon. We have a practice on Wednesday which should be cool.

When the website does launch I will probably post on Nerd Federation first. Carefully co-ordinated ya know, it will go out here, on my site, on Worfolk Online then on the forums. Finally the search engines. A highly tuned process. Or I could just not bother, either way.

Why free speech media isn’t cool

Thursday, December 16th, 2004 | Life

Ok, don’t get me wrong, free speech media is cool. I wasn’t implying that it is uncool, what I simply mean is that it isn’t, wow that is sooo cool like it was in the olden days. And will be in the future when we live in a totalitarian society and opinions are now allowed (I am thinking of Logan in Dark Angel here).

Back in the 50’s and 60’s free speech media was really cool because very few people did it and it was underground (The Lone Gunmen from the X-Files is a prime example) and the government controlled most of the media so free speech media was important. Now though everyone is doing it.

Not only are most media institutions but there is also the internet. On the net not only can every nerd around the globe post their opinion, but every nerd around the globe does post their opinion. And with the advent of blogs they do this several times a day. I mean, I am doing it now.

It isn’t that we don’t need free speech media. But today there is loads of it! That is why it doesn’t enjoy the cool underground reputation it used to do. Because  today, it is the mainstream media.

Only 10 days until Christmas

Wednesday, December 15th, 2004 | Life

Normally that wouldn’t be particularly important although this year I have my electric guitar to wait for. Bah, I thought I can got past the years when time would literally stop. That said it is still not a patch on the time before my birthday.

My y key isn’t working properly. Anyway staying on topic, JD is also waiting on his X-Box which means that he can finally play the long awaited (for us anyway, I realise the game is out) Halo 2. That is the up side to Christmas though, and I have plenty of down side to go with it.

This year I decided it was maybe time I started hating Christmas. I mean, I am just too unmoved by the hole situation, usually I would be hating everything. There are so many reasons why I could hate Christmas that I am not really sure why I don’t. Well actually my official stance from now on is that I do.

The important thing is that ITV better be showing Zulu this year. They didn’t last year! It is a traditional it has been on for the last 20 years or something! I checked IMDb on the date to make sure that was possible ;). I didn’t realise how old it was though, it was made in 1964. But the important point is no Zulu this years equals lawsuit.