Posts Tagged ‘mustache’

Wing Commander using Composer

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012 | Programming

Back in July, I wrote about Wing Commander, a little library I had written to draw together the very awesome Flight PHP framework and Mustache.php template library.

Times have changed though and everyone is using Composer now (you are using Composer, right? 😉 ), not to mention that even at the time, Wing Commander was using a slightly dated version of the Mustache library. So I decided it was time for an update.

Said update was then completed in a lunch break (and a bit of an evening too) and is now available, and listed on Packagist, which means you can easily install it via Composer.

	"require": {
		"xmeltrut/wing-commander": "dev-master"

That is all you need in your Composer configuration file, and it will install Flight, Wing Commander and Mustache – plus, it’s now even easier to use than it was before. Full information can be found in the readme.

Wing Commander

Thursday, July 5th, 2012 | Limited, Programming

Moustache I’m a big fan of the Flight PHP micro framework, and it’s built-in views component is quite nice when you want to do stuff in a rush.

But recently I have started to use Slim more often as it has almost out of the box support for Mustache templates, whereas Flight does not.

Until now, that is. I wanted to use Mustache with an existing project I had already coded up in Flight, so I’ve now written a wrapper for it and released it on Github. It’s nothing fancy – probably less than 100 lines of code in total. But it seems to get the job done.

So if you’re looking to use Mustache templates in your Flight application, why not give it a go? If you have any improvements, you can always fork it too!

Logic-less templates with Mustache

Wednesday, July 4th, 2012 | Limited, Programming

The first thing you probably think about when I mention Mustache is, “you’ve spelt moustache wrong.”

You would be right. But although the creators of such a project clearly do struggle with proper spelling even more than I do, they have never the less created something really interesting – logic-less templates.

Mustache is a templating system, similar to Smarty or Twig, that was originally written for Ruby and has since been ported to almost every other popular language under the sun (it has not been ported to any languages that exist outside our solar system, to my best knowledge).

The idea is that you separate out your logic from your template. So you would have a view class which handles the logic, and then the actual template file which has your presentation in. Why this extra layer of complexity though?

Well the problem with templating systems such as Twig is that they actually aren’t as separate as we like to think they are. You have control statements like looks and if statements, and then people started adding helpers to templating systems where you could call functions and even pass parameters! This made it a lot easier for us to write the view, but by the time you’ve added all that in, why not just place the PHP directly inside the template – it would be just as simple.

Mustache does a way with all that. In Mustache there are two main types of tags you can have – variables and sections. A variable is a straight replacement in double brackets {{like this}}. Sections contain one extra character so you might have a {{#section}} that wraps this text{{/section}}. A section can then be repeated zero or more times depending on whether you pass it a false value, a true value or an array.

There are a few other tags but this for the most part is everything! You don’t have the complicated control statements, the helper functions or other such syntax to deal with – inside a section which repeats from an array for example, you just call the key name, without having to specify the array variable every time. See the example below.

In Twig, you would do this...

{% for item in list %}
{% endfor %}

In Mustache, you just do this...


You can argue that there is added complexity in having to create an accompanying view class – and you would be right. But this is optional, and only required if you need to do view-time processing – passing an associative array, just like you would with Twig, works fine too!

I highly recommend giving Mustache a go, I was skeptical at first but once you dive in it really produces some beautifully clean code.


Wednesday, June 27th, 2012 | Limited, Programming

Mustache is a logic-less templating system, written by people who apparently can’t spell moustache correctly.

It has been ported to almost every popular language ranging from PHP to C++, though it has its origins in Ruby. It isn’t just useful for HTML either – you can also use it for things like config files.

The idea behind it is that templates are logic-less. It divided the traditional view into two parts – a view which is a class in your host language, and a template which is the Mustache markup. The view class can also be an associative array, like you would pass with a traditional templating system, but using a class allows you to easily make use of functions.

It produces very clean mark-up – you simply place your variables in curly braces (or double moustaches if you will) like {{so}} and they are swapped out. Repeating sections are handled by {{#sections}} that repeat based on lists {{/sections}} or are just used once to display or not, instead of using if statements.

The advantage is that you get templates which are almost logic free. I saw almost because of course you do still have repeating elements and tags in there designed to replicate if statements. But there are no logical statements in there – just tags!

The disadvantage is that it means doing a bit more work with your views. MVC already splits out the stack into three components and Mustache divides the view one step further.